John Hancock, The Man Behind the Signature

Theories on how John Hancock inherited his powers

John Hancocks friends and foes
A look back at the life of John Hancock
What If?
Top 10 reasons why John Hancock thought independence was necessary
Theories on how John Hancock inherited his powers

 One very far-fetched theory on how Hancock inherited his powers is that the devil himself came up and gave Hancock powers so he could use Hancock for his own evil ways.  The story says that John's heart was too pure to be corrupted.  It is also said that when Hancock got a horrible case of gout (which he actually did), it was a punishment from the devil.
        The most popular theory is that Hancock was bitten by a runaway piece of money that had super-powers and John inherited them all when he was bitten.
. Another theory is that somebody "Accidentally" put lead (which some people believe was in fact an early form of lead-poisoning) into his drink. The lead didn't affect him like it would have affected other people, and this lead gave him his famous Hancock signature. Some people say that John was just born with his powers. Some people believe that John's signature itself had no power, but that John himself was such a determined man that whenever he signed to something he made sure it became true.


People may disagree on how he inherited his all-powerful signature, but they don't argue about how powerful that signature was.


John Hancocks friends and foes

top 10 reasons why John Hancock thought Independence was necessary